Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Guard Geese

April 19, 2013

Temperature: 47/81
Wind speed: 20 mph

The temperatures are come up a little by this day, but not that much when the wind is still blowing out cool air. 

On April 17 I met with the UC Davis committee in Davis and began setting up the testing schedule on the Learning Lab with the high school student. While there I discussed the fact that the rice seemed to be slow to come up with the water and rice expert Bruce Lindquist. Bruce suggested that we rise the amount of water we are putting in the nursery so that it covers the top of the seeds and see if that helps any.

I suggested that I thought that the temps are just too high and hopefully the warmer temps expected in the next few days will be a great help.

We've been attracting some attention now that we've been coming out nearly every day. We call these three "The Ladies". Our site is close to the Island caretaker's home and he has a bunch of ducks, geese, chicken, roosters, peacocks and doves around. Not to mention the wild turkeys and pheasants throughout the island. 

These three always announce our presence with very loud choruses of honks.

As you can see we have already experienced a little wind blown damage in what we call greenhouse #6. Duck tape has worked for now, but probably won't last. We'll have to keep an eye on it. Some of the ends hoops have come out of the connectors and we've had to get knee deep in mud and replace them back in. So far nothing that can't be repaired, but just adding extra work.

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